Dark Horses


*~*The Lion King RPG*~*
Light Horses
Dark Horses
Final Destiny's

Dark Leader: Steele

Play Da Music!!!


As you enter the Dark Lands, a chill travels down your spine. The land has meager grass and little water. Hadrien walks over to you smirking, *So you have decided to join us. I am Steele's son, Hadrien, the future leader of every thing Dark and Wicked.* His dirty bay coat shines dully in the pale light, and a all too familiar small, white star glows on his forehead. *Those Lights are coming closer and closer to my father's perfect land. I cannot stand their kindness and pureness. They MUST be taken over before they get too far. Join us and we may have a great and glorious future!* He rears and gallopes away, kicking up dust, leaving you to decide.

Foals- Under Construction


Darks Only Boards

Dark TT's

